SWTHA Triannual Meeting and Training
Twin Arrows Resort, AZ
May 12-15, 2025


May 12, 2025
9am-4pm: SWTHA Board Meeting
9am-5pm: ICC Building Inspector Certification Training
5:00pm-7:00pm: Reception
May 13, 2025
9am-4pm: SWTHA Business Meeting
9am-5pm: ICC Building Inspector Certification Training
5pm-8pm: Dinner
May 14, 2025
9am-5pm: ICC Building Inspector Certification Training
9am-4pm: SWTHA Strategic Planning
May 15, 2025
9am-5pm: ICC Building Inspector Certification Training
9am-4pm: SWTHA Strategic Planning

Training: ICC Building Inspector Certification Training (Native American Code Officials, NACO)

Housing Members: Please attend so that we may make a quorum. Two days will be spent working on the SWTHA Strategic Plan.

Associate Members: There will be speaking time available during the Business Meeting. Other opportunities may be available.

Networking: The SWTHA Reception and the Dinner present a great opportunity for everyone to socialize.

AMERIND Representative
AMERIND Alternate Representative

Reports: (We hope that federal organizations will be able to provide updates by that time)

Raffle: We are requesting raffle items for the fundraiser during the SWTHA Dinner. Please submit any raffle item donation (picture and Donation Form) by March 28. Please contact Lorrie Chavez at 505-465-1003 or lchavez@sdtha.org for any questions.

Hotel: Twin Arrows Resort, AZ. More information coming soon.

Sponsors: Please contact swtha.region8@gmail.com if you would like to help sponsor the event. Recognition and speaking time opportunities are available.

Click here for information on SWTHA March Training, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, and Weatherization Basics.

Donate a Raffle Item for SWTHA Event

SWTHA will hold a dinner and raffle during the SWTHA Triannual Meeting on May 13, 2025 at Twin Arrows Resort in Flagstaff, AZ.

We are requesting your support through a donation for the raffle.·Please submit the Donation Form and a photo of the item to swtha.region8@gmail.com by March 28th to process the donation. View the Fundraising Donation Request Letter.

You can mail or hand deliver the donated item: Mail your item to P.O. Box 10572, Albuquerque, NM 87184. All mailed items must be received May 1, 2025, or deliver your item at the SWTHA Business Meeting on May 13, 2025 at Twin Arrows Resort in Flagstaff, AZ.

Items donated for the auction, as well as the monetary contributions, should be eligible for deductions under IRS rules. You will receive a letter of receipt for your records. Please discuss this with your tax advisor.

Please contact Lorrie Chavez at 505-465-1003 or lchavez@sdtha.org for any questions.

Thank you!

SWTHA Scholarship 2025
Region VIII – Is Now Open

The Southwest Tribal Housing Alliance (SWTHA) provides educational scholarship grants for Region VIII (Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas) funded under the AMERIND Annual Scholarship Program. The goal of the scholarship grant is to assist in the education of American Indians and Alaskan Natives. The grant may be used for post-secondary or graduate level courses at an accredited educational institution for a course of study that will result in an accredited vocational certification or degree.

Scholarship Documents:

Scholarship Dates:

  • February 1, 2025: Scholarship Open
  • June 1, 2025: Scholarship Deadline
  • SWTHA Fall Triannual Meeting Announce Scholarship Awards

Email or mail all applications to:

Southwest Tribal Housing Alliance
P.O. Box 10572
Albuquerque, NM 87184

If you have any questions, please contact swtha.region8@gmail.com. Print the flyer here.

Other Native American Scholarship Opportunities

 Thank you to AMERIND for providing the Region VIII Scholarship Funds!

SWTHA Membership for Tribal Housing Departments and Associate Members

All Region VIII Tribal Housing Departments, (AZ, NM, and West Texas) are invited to join or continue to support SWTHA through a membership as we work to strengthen our voice for Native families. Visit swtha.org for more information.

SWTHA also offers Associate Membership, which consists of organizations seeking to support tribal housing, and/or provide products or services to the member tribal housing programs. Associate Members consist of public interest groups, businesses, suppliers, commercial vendors, service providers, and Federal and state recognized tribes and government housing agencies, not eligible for voting membership. For more information, check out the Associate Member Page.

SWTHA’s mission is “To be the voice for Tribal housing by providing relevant, timely information, resources, and a valuable network for the SWTHA membership”.

Thank you for your continued support and participation! If you have any questions, or are interested in becoming a member, please email swtha.region8@gmail.com.

SWTHA Monthly Zoom Meetings
2nd Tuesday of Each Month
1:00pm – 2:00pm MT


Next Meeting – March 11, 2025

Previous Speakers

  • Thomas Cisar CAPS, Bestbath Southern Dealer Sales Manager;
    • SWTHA’s newest Associate Member is a manufacturer of showers and tubs with over 900 distinctive styles.
  • Rosie Ricketts, Technical Project Officer U.S. Department of Energy
    • Topic: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Formula Grant Program and available funding for tribes.
    • PPT: EECBG Tribal Office Hours
  • Clay Abernathy, Founder of the Idea’l Institute.
    • Changing the way Education and Housing is being done within our communities, the Idea’l Trade Institute is leading the construction education industry and is the first company to offer a fully integrated ground-up system that trains students in every aspect of home construction. They offer a financial aid program, providing students with the skills they need in as little as six months, with zero debt. Click here for the Presentation.
  • Karen Koch OT, ECHM, CAPS, Licensed builder, Lead Occupational Therapist
    • Home Modification Occupational Therapy Alliance (HMOTA) – Introducing the Tribal Home Mod Metrics program, a program to help care for Elders by helping them to age-in-place in their homes.
    • PPT: Home Mod Metrics

SWTHA will continue to provide the most current information through guest speakers at the monthly meetings, all members are welcome to join. If you would like to speak at one of the monthly meetings, or you have any questions, please email swtha.region8@gmail.com.

Previous guest speaker information and hand outs can be viewed here.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82326477587?pwd=MVU2SUxsUThSUUpBeVZjMGVtdzNIZz09

  • Meeting ID: 823 2647 7587
  • Passcode: 104486

AMERIND Safety Poster Contest
Attention Housing Directors!

Encourage your students to submit a safety themed poster for the AMERIND 2025 Safety Poster Contest. They could win $1,000! One national winner in each of the three categories (K-3, 4-6, 7-8) receives $1,000. Share the flyer with your Education Department.

2025 AMERIND Safety Poster Contest Dates

December 2024- April 2025 (Local Voting)
Region VIII housing authorities host the AMERIND Safety Poster Contest. The theme can be any safety topic you would like: Fire Safety, Driving Safety, etc. One winner is selected from each category (K-3, 4-6, 7-8). Winners are sent to SWTHA Region VIII at swtha.region8@gmail.com for regional voting no later than April 30, 2025.

May 2025 to June 15, 2025 (Regional Voting)
Region VIII Voting at swtha.org to select one winner from the local entries in each category (K-3, 4-6, 7-8). Winners from each category are submitted to AMERIND for national voting. SWTHA Region VIII winners must be submitted to AMERIND Safety Service Team no later than June 30, 2025.

July 2025 (National Voting)
National online voting. One winner from each category is selected.

August 2025 (Announcement)
Winners announced at AMERIND Member Business Meeting.

1. Use blank 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper
2. Clearly print on one side of paper
a. First and Last Name
b. Grade
c. Tribal Affiliation
d. Phone Number
e. Housing Authority
3. On the blank side of paper, create your masterpiece.

Download the Flyer here.

Housing Assistance CouncilApplication Now Open! HAC is accepting applications for the 2025 OneRural Technical Assistance Program

OneRural Direct Technical Assistance Services:
Apply Now to Strengthen Your Organization

OneRural empowers rural organizations with the tools, expertise, and support to develop and sustain affordable housing and community development initiatives. Through customized, one-on-one technical assistance, we help you strengthen operations, build capacity, and expand your impact. Gain access to practical resources, expert guidance, and specialized training designed to enhance leadership, improve program effectiveness, and drive meaningful change. Together, we’ll navigate challenges, implement solutions, and create stronger, more resilient communities where everyone has a place to call home.

Applications will be accepted through April 15, 2025, click here for more information.

Housing New Mexico Celebrates Grand Opening of Hozho Center For Personal Enhancement

The Hozho Center, located in McKinley County near Gallup, received a funding award of $969,499 through Housing New Mexico’s Recovery Housing Program. The intent of the program is to support individuals in recovery from substance use disorders on a path to self-sufficiency by providing stable, temporary recovery housing. Recovery housing is a safe, healthy, family-like substance-free living environment that supports individuals in recovery from addiction.

The Hozho Center offers peer-support services, referrals and mobile outreach, as well as assistance with essential needs, such as ID recovery and medical benefits.

Housing New Mexico has awarded over $4.4 million in Recovery Housing Program funding to qualified service providers in the state, including Hozho Center for Personal Enhancement, New Mexico Reentry Center, TenderLove Community Center and Endorphin Power Company.

To learn more about Housing New Mexico’s Recovery Housing Program, including eligibility requirements, and to view the NOFA, please click here.

Hands off HUD! Calls to Action on HUD Threats

National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) has compiled to advocate for HUD’s vital programs and staffing. Housing in Tribal areas would be impacted by these cuts, and we wanted to make sure you’ve got tools to defend against cuts to already scarce Native housing funds.

On February 14th, Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced plans to cut HUD staff in half. Overall, HUD staffing across the country would be cut in half, but some offices, like Fair Housing and Community Planning and Development, face cuts up to 75% and 85%, respectively. We had a call to action for individuals to call or email their members of Congress to urge against HUD cuts, which now has over 15,000 actions taken!

NLIHC is sharing two new resources:

  1. An organizational sign-on letter, open to local, state, national and Tribal orgs opposing the proposed staffing cuts to HUD. We’re calling for as many organizational supporters as possible to defend against these incredibly harmful HUD cuts. Read the letter here and sign on here.
  2. A new Google Drive folder with information to back up your advocacy, including:
    1. a list of congressional targets
    2. a list of housing and community development earmarks requested in FY24 and FY25
    3. talking points/framing advice
    4. information on the harmful impacts of HUD staff cuts on people and communities
    5. information on success stories of HUD programs in target states and districts
    6. responses from congressional leaders
    7. statements from national organizations

Advocates can also send letters on behalf of their organization to their congressional delegations regarding these cuts to HUD – a sample letter is available here.

Survey on Ag Workforce Housing

Are you interested in learning more about developing Tribal Agricultural Workforce Housing?

The Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF), Flower Hill Institute, and Native Agricultural Financial Services are hosting a series of in-depth interviews with experts at the forefront of agricultural workforce housing. These conversations will feature real-world case studies and practical guidance on developing both seasonal and permanent farmworker housing—on and off the reservation.

To make these resources as relevant and impactful as possible, we want to hear from you! Please use the link to the survey below to provide input on what you’d like to know about Agricultural workforce housing.

Click here for the link.

Rural Preservation Academy Cohort Applications Due March 28, 2025

Through this call for applications, Enterprise is accepting applications from organizations to form a cohort of Technical Assistance recipients. Up to fifteen organizations will be selected to participate in the Academy as members of the Preservation Academy Cohort. In addition to the delivery of the trainings, Cohort members will receive no-cost, targeted, one-on-one technical assistance to support rural preservation efforts. Assistance will be tailored to the needs of the recipient based on what their goals are and the support they identify in being critical to move their project forward.

Please email anorwood@enterprisecommunity.org for questions, for more information, click here.

   Housing New Mexico launches Zero Interest Homebuilder Program

Housing New Mexico has launched a new program to address the shortage of affordable entry-level housing available to low- and moderate-income homebuyers in the state. The Zero Interest Homebuilder Program (ZIHP) is a loan product that offers interest-free construction financing through the New Mexico Housing Trust Fund.

These loans are available to nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, governmental housing agencies, regional housing authorities, governmental entities, governmental instrumentalities, tribal governments, tribal housing agencies, builders, single-family developers, corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, joint ventures, syndicates and other eligible associations or entities.

As home price increases outpace wage growth, the ability to achieve homeownership becomes more difficult, resulting in a huge need for affordable housing.

ZIHP development and construction loans may be used to assist in financing a wide range of activities to increase affordable homeownership opportunities, including costs of on-site infrastructure necessary to support the development of affordable single-family lots and/or the construction of affordable homes.

To learn more about eligible loan applicants, loan terms, application procedures, eligible home types, eligible homebuyers, sales price limitations and other details, visit the Housing New Mexico website.

For further questions about ZIHP, email Housing New Mexico Program Manager Joshua Howe at jhowe@housingnm.org. To learn about all of Housing New Mexico’s funding opportunities for developers, visit housingnm.org/developers.

Office of Indian Energy
Tribal Energy Planning and Development Funding Opportunity
                                                                    Deadline March 20, 2025

The Office of Indian Energy anticipates making approximately 20–40 awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000 for projects that support planning, feasibility and viability assessments, and design and development of energy for Tribal buildings or on Tribal lands.

Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:

  • Conduct energy planning
  • Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying energy technology
  • Conduct energy design and development activities

For more information, click here.

DOT Rural and Tribal Assistance
Pilot Program
Deadline April 3, 2025

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) Build America Bureau issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for up to $27 million in no-match grants on a first-come, first-served basis, with applications accepted beginning March 18, 2025, at 2 p.m. ET.

Interested entities may access copies of the NOFO and application questions below to review and draft responses in advance. The application portal will close on April 17, 2025.

Read the announcement here. For more information, click here.

FEMA-BRIC – Funding Opportunities for Tribes
Deadline April 18, 2025

FEMA published their FY2024 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) NOFO, totaling $750 million in available funding. These funds will help state, local, Tribal and territorial governments address high-level future risks to natural disasters, foster greater community resilience and reduce disaster suffering.

  • For more information about FEMA-BRIC, click here.
  • To view the NOFO in full on Grants.gov, click here.
  • For a brief synopsis of the FEMA-BRIC program, see the program fact sheet here.
  • Deadline is April 18, 2025.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program is a $550 million grant program funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It is designed to assist states, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and to improve energy efficiency.

Review the updates below:

  1. Tribal Consortia Option: Tribes may apply as part of a consortia, in which a third party (e.g., inter-tribal organization, non-profit, advocacy organization) drafts the application, manages the reporting process, and distributes equipment or leads other programming. A group of Tribes must pool their funds and pick a third party to lead the consortia. For more information, please see our summary document here.
  2. Upcoming Informational Webinar: We will hold a second introductory webinar for Tribes and potential consortia leaders on January 15 at 3:30pm ET. We’d love it if you could attend and share it with your networks! Please see the registration link here.
  3. Community Energy Connectors: The EECBG Program just launched a new program to fund organizations that provide technical assistance around energy efficiency and economic development in regions across the country. The aim is to connect EECBG Program grantees to one another, key stakeholders, community-based organizations, funders, industry, and other organizations in the region. If you know of any groups in your state, please do encourage them to apply! The deadline to apply is January 28, 2025.
  4. Community Energy Fellows: Tribes and consortia leads may apply to host a Community Energy Fellow – an early-to-mid career clean energy professional – that can support the EECBG Program and other energy efforts for up to 18 months. Applications to host a fellow are due on January 28.  Note: Tribal consortia will be prioritized to host a community energy fellow upon application.

Rosie Ricketts, Technical Project Officer for the Office of State and Community Energy Programs| Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provided an introduction at the SWTHA October meeting. Read the presentation here. Rosie can be contacted at rosie.ricketts@hq.doe.gov to answer your questions.

Read the EECBG Flyer here, visit the website here. The deadline for Tribes to apply is May 31, 2025.

DOE Offers Tribes $225 Million in Rebates for
Home Electrification and Appliances

The U.S. Department of Energy has released application guidelines for tribal governments to apply for $225 million in funding under the Inflation Reduction Act’s Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) program. HEAR funds will provide rebates to low- and moderate-income households installing efficient electric technologies. Rebates for home electrification upgrades range from $840 to $14,000 per household. Rebate amounts vary depending on a household’s income, the total project cost, and the technologies installed. Multifamily and single-family buildings, including manufactured housing, may be eligible for rebates. Eligible households may be owner-occupied or rented. Once DOE has approved a tribe’s HEAR application, the tribe may launch its program and begin issuing rebates. Tribal officials can review the published guidance in DOE’s new Administrative and Legal Requirements Document.

DOE has also released the final funding amounts individual tribes will receive after DOE approves their applications, as well as an explanation of how it allocated the funds.

Tribal government stakeholders with questions about the requirements and related documentation should contact DOE at irahomerebates@hq.doe.gov.

Laguna Homeowner’s Assistance Fund Program
Open to All Tribes of New Mexico

Laguna Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) program provides financial assistance to income-eligible households experiencing financial hardship associated with the COVID-19 health crisis. If your income was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and you are having difficulties paying on or behind on your mortgage or home loan, or in forbearance, you may qualify for assistance. Any enrolled member of a Tribe in the state of New Mexico who is paying a mortgage, a home loan, or taxes on your primary residence and meets US Department of Treasury qualifications may apply. Not only does his funding help with mortgages or home loans, but it can also help with home costs that were impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What can it help pay for?

  • Past due payments, including payments in forbearance.
  • Property taxes
  • Homeowner fees and dues
  • Mortgage Reinstatement
  • Utility costs
  • Approved minor home repairs

Contact Lisa Bautista, HAF Specialist, with questions: (505) 552-6430 EXT. 7010, lisab@lagunahousing.org. Click here for the announcement.

Upcoming RCAC Trainings

Disaster Preparation & Recovery
March 20th, 9:00am-12:00pm, PST
Participants will gain a broad understanding of the potential effects of disasters on communities, agencies, counselors, and those living in communities affected by disasters. They will learn how to complete FEMA applications and assist clients to file insurance claims. Click here for more information.

HUD Exam Math 101
April 3rd, 9:00am – 12:00pm, PST
This training will prepare participants to do the math, ratio and income calculations which are an integral part of housing counseling and the HUD exam. It is a recommended prerequisite to RCAC’s HUD Exam Prep and Success training. Click here for more information.

HUD Exam Prep & Success 7-Part Series
April 7 – 21, 9:00am – 12:00pm, PST
This series is designed to help you prepare for and successfully complete the HUD Housing Counseling Exam. Through this training, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills that you can use as a HUD-Certified Housing Counselor. Click here for more information.

HUD Exam Study Group 2-Part Series
April 28 & 30th, 9:00am – 12:00pm, PST
This course offers a review of all seven HUD exam topics in a comprehensive format. Instructor will provide counselors with the ability to locate all HUD resources for the certification exam and the necessary study tools. Click here for more information.

Housing Counseling Bootcamp (In-Person)
April 29 & 30, 2025
West Sacramento, CA
This bootcamp offers a mix of focused class sessions and interactive discussions, attendees will gain valuable skills and enhance their understanding of critical housing counseling topics. Click here for more information.

Self-paced Trainings
Mastering HECM Counseling: Comprehensive Training
This self-paced course provides a robust foundation in HECM terms, compliance protocols, client counseling techniques and financial projections, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the HECM Counseling Certification Exam and provide exemplary counseling services. Click here for more information.

For questions about Housing Counseling trainings and opportunities, please contact: RCAC Housing Counseling | hctrainings@rcac.org.

For questions about Housing Counseling trainings and opportunities, please contact: RCAC Housing Counseling | hctrainings@rcac.org.

Native Learning Center (NLC) Free Webinars

The Native Learning Center (NLC) partners with Travois to develop housing related training opportunities focused on areas that are critical to the improvement and self-sufficiency of safe and healthy Tribal communities.

Webinars are 2:00pm – 3:30pm EST:

  • March 20, 2025 Webinar: Grant Professionals ARE Superheroes
  • March 24, 2025 Webinar: NAHASDA Procurement & Contract, Administration Day 1
  • March 25, 2025 Webinar: NAHASDA Procurement & Contract, Administration Day 2
  • March 26, 2025 Webinar: NAHASDA Procurement & Contract, Administration Day 3
  • March 26, 2025 Technical Assistance Pala Housing Resource Center
  • Grants Management for Tribal Housing Day 1, 9:00am – 4:00pm CST
  • March 27, 2025 Technical Assistance Pala Housing Resource Center
  • Grants Management for Tribal Housing Day 2, 9:00am – 4:00pm CST
  • March 27, 2025 Webinar: NAHASDA Procurement & Contract, Administration Day 4
  • March 28, 2025 Webinar: NAHASDA Procurement & Contract, Administration Day 5

Visit NLC’s website for more information and to register for a free training.

Affordable Housing Program Workshop
March 26 – New Orleans, LA

Join for an educational workshop about the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas’ (FHLB Dallas) Affordable Housing Program, homeownership set-aside programs such as the Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership (HELP) and the FHLB Dallas FORTIFIED Fund. Learn how funds can be used, how to apply and get your questions answered.

The FHLB Dallas Community Investment team will cover how to access funds for the purchase, construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing in Workshop I – Rental Focus. Workshop II – Owner Focus is dedicated to FHLB Dallas’ homeownership programs.

  • Breakfast and Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. CT and ends at 9:00 a.m. CT
  • Both workshops begin at 9:00 a.m. CT and conclude at 12:30 p.m. CT
    • Rental Focus Workshop: Learn about financing options with our AHP General Fund for the purchase, construction and/or rehabilitation of affordable housing.
    • Owner Focus Workshop: Learn about homeowner and homebuyer assistance programs, disaster recovery and special programs to fortify your home against storms.
  • You may register for one of the sessions.
  • Please register in advance as onsite registration may be limited.

Click here for more information.

2025 NLIHC Housing Policy Forum
March 24-27 | Capitol Hill Day: March 27
Register Today to Attend Virtually!

National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) is dedicated to achieving racially and socially equitable public policy that ensures people with the lowest incomes have quality homes that are accessible and affordable in communities of their choice

NLIHC’s annual housing policy forum is an opportunity to engage with and learn from thought leaders, policy experts, researchers, tenant advocates, affordable housing practitioners, and members of Congress about how to end the housing and homelessness crisis impacting low-income renters in America.

Click here for more information.

Save The Date!
National Tribal Housing Ecosystem Summit
Boise, Idaho April 27-29, 2025

Uniting Voices Across the Tribal Community to Learn | Grow | Collaborate

Hosted by Enterprise Community Partners, in partnership with Freddie Mac, the summit will be led by voices from across the Tribal Community – highlighting Tribal Nations’ best knowledge and experience to create a pathway to build more homes and stronger economies based upon the four tenets of the Tribal Housing Ecosystem.

For more information, click here.ave The Date!
National Tribal Housing Ecosystem Summit
Boise, Idaho April 27-29, 2025

NAIHC 2025 Annual Convention
Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City
May 26-29, 2025

The National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) is excited to host the 2025 Annual Convention & Tradeshow at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City from May 26-29, 2025. This extraordinary event will unite hundreds of Tribal housing professionals and decision-makers from across Indian Country, fostering collaboration and empowerment.

With breakout sessions designed to provide vital resources and services related to Native housing and program administration, attendees will have the opportunity to learn, network, and share valuable insights in a dynamic setting.

For more information and to register, click here.

RCAC Housing Counseling Summit
August 12-14, 2025
Anaheim, CA

This Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) conference will provide networking opportunities with housing counselors nationwide. There will be three days of classes offered. Each class session is four hours. Participants will be able to attend more than one of the 10 classes being offered.

More information coming soon. Registration tentatively opens May 12, 2025.

National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC)
Job Announcements

Membership & Communications Coordinator

This highly visible position serves a leadership role by coordinating organizational and membership services for Tribal housing authorities, Tribal housing departments, Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), and Associate (vendor) members of NAIHC. The Membership Coordinator reports to the Director of Operations and supports membership engagement, board services, outreach and communication to members, and assists with advocacy services. Click here for more information.

Director of Operations

This highly responsible position serves in a senior leadership role in managing organizational operations in the areas of accounting, finance, grants management and supervision. The Director of Operations reports directly to the Executive Director and provides support in these primary areas. Click here for more information.

Tamaya Housing Inc.
Is Seeking Program Manager

Tamaya Housing Incorporated (THI) is seeking a Program Manager who has experience in Indian Housing Management, federal and tribal housing programs, financial literacy, homebuyer counseling, housing maintenance inspection, and related experience in housing management for a Tribally Designated Housing Entity. Training and certification in counseling services is preferred. Understanding of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act and pertinent regulations regarding housing management is desired. This position is open until filled.

Read more, click here.

LogoOhkay Owingeh
Is Seeking Housing Manager

Under general direction of the Director of Natural Resources, accomplishes Ohkay Owingeh’s Housing department strategic objectives by planning, organizing, and directing all functions required operating and maintaining its activities. Oversees and manages the Housing Authority and creates a work environment that encourages ethical conduct, respectful interpersonal relations, open communication, innovative thinking, and creative problem solving with respect and sensitivity to the Pueblo’s culture. Ensures compliance with all regulatory agencies. Maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. This list of duties and responsibilities is illustrative only of the tasks performed by this position and is not all-inclusive.

Read more, click here.

San Carlos Housing Authority - HomeSan Carlos Housing Authority
Career Opportunities

Development Manager
February 24, 2025 – March 21, 2025
Dev. Manager PDF

Security Officer (3 Openings)
February 14, 2025 – February 28, 2025
Security PDF

General Ledger Accountant
August 23, 2024 – Open Until Filled
GL Accountant PDF

Maintenance Tech I
November 6, 2024 – Open Until Filled
Maintenance Tech PDF

Occupancy Specialist I
November 19, 2024 – Open Until Filled
OCC Specialist I PDF

Red Feather Development GroupRed Feather Hiring 4 Corners Region Program Coordinator

Job Opportunity: 4-Corners Program Coordinator
Are you passionate about sustainable housing and community development? Join Red Feather Development Group in empowering Navajo and Hopi communities through the New Mexico Energy$mart Program.

What You’ll Do:

  • Coordinate weatherization and energy efficiency projects.
  • Provide case management and in-home education.
  • Engage with communities and stakeholders to make a lasting impact.

Location: 4-Corners Region (AZ, NM)
Salary: $42,000 – $52,000 (plus benefits like health stipend, 401K, PTO, and more!)
Growth Opportunity: Tuition-covered Energy Auditor certification included.

If you’re organized, detail-oriented, and driven to make a difference, we’d love to hear from you!

Apply now: Send your resume and cover letter to natasha@redfeather.org.

Nambe Pueblo Housing Entity (NPHE)
Seeking Executive Director

The position administers federal funding sources to carry out affordable housing activities and manages various housing initiatives for the Nambe Pueblo community. The position reports to the Board of Directors of the NPHE. The NPHE is located on the Pueblo of Nambe between Santa Fe and Espanola, New Mexico. Interested candidates must turn in an application with a cover letter, resume, and submit to a background check and a drug test. For a copy of the Job Position and application, contact NPHE at executivedirector@nphe.net.

Read the announcement here. Download the application here.

Laguna Housing Development & Management Enterprise
Resident Services Specialist Job

Under the supervision of the Resident Services Director, this position provides guidance and instruction regarding home rental, home ownership and home renovation services. They will directly work with perspective and current tenants. Also conduct and coordinate tasks including public awareness, training sessions regarding financial budgeting and constant counseling. They will also perform monthly collections, track payments, recertifications of income, family composition, annual home inspections and other tasks to assist homebuyers and tenants who are under housing program agreements. Will make consistent visits to homebuyers homes and tenants rental units.

Read the full announcement here.

Navajo Housing Authority
Job Opportunities

The Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) has several employment opportunities available.  Please visit the NHA website for more information and instructions on how to apply.

Click here for the complete list of opportunities.

For more information Email: Nhahr@hoogan.org, Website: www.navajohousingauthority.org/jobs.html, Phone: 928-729-6623

Training and News




 Click here for all Training Opportunities

Click here for Funding Opportunities. For a comprehensive list of Funding Opportunities, visit www.Grants.gov


Fannie Mae’s Disaster Response Network (DRN)

Fannie Mae is committed to assisting homeowners and communities affected by disasters. We can help you navigate the challenging disaster recovery process with resources like our Disaster Response Network. Anyone can call the DRN, renters or homeowners, and they do not need to have a direct tie to a Fannie Mae property or loan. Fannie Mae’s Disaster Response Network™ offers free support for eligible homeowners from HUD-approved housing advisors, including:

  • Personalized recovery assessment and action plan
  • Assistance filing claims (i.e., FEMA, insurance, and Small Business Administration)
  • Help working with your mortgage servicer on payment relief options
  • Access to Clearpoint’s* Project Porchlight Online and its tools and resources
  • Ongoing check-ins to help ensure a successful recovery

CALL 877-833-1746 to access the Disaster Response Network or other available resources. People impacted by a disaster may also
receive help from:

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): www.hud.gov
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): www.disasterassistance.gov
  • American Red Cross: 1-800-733-2767

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer

The New Mexico Tribal Housing Coalition

The New Mexico Tribal Housing Coalition (the “Coalition”) has grown to include more than 400 participants throughout New Mexico and the U.S. who, in addition to addressing housing issues, have the expertise to take on other tribal housing-related topics including economic development, sustainability, infrastructure and health. The Coalition has become a national leader for all tribal housing-related development. The Coalition meets several times each year, typically in different tribal communities to discuss issues and successes and provide resources and technical assistance.

Their work is primarily as a convener of individuals dedicated to advancing homeownership on tribal trust lands. They organize quarterly meetings, a site visit, webinars, training, and informal project resource reviews. The next upcoming event is in March for Mortgage Lending on Tribal Trust Lands.

For more information, click here.

Call, Text or Message 988
For Mental Wellness
FREE & Confidential

A behavioral health crisis needs a behavioral health response. 988 was established to improve access to crisis services in a way that meets our country’s growing crisis behavioral health care needs. 988 will provide easier access to related behavioral health crisis resources, which are distinct from 911 (where the focus is on dispatching Emergency Medical Services, fire, and police as needed).

Reasons to call 988:

  • Need information or referrals for local community services?
  • Feeling sad, confused, or angry?
  • Worried about your safety or someone you know?
  • Service member or veteran & their families in need.
  • Worried about alcohol or drug use or abuse.
  • Have something on your mind that you want to talk over.

988 NM Crisis Support            988nmcrisissupport        Pre Launch 988 NM Logo   https://988nm.org

Arizona Economic Recovery Center
FREE Grant Assistance to AZ Tribes

The Arizona Economic Recovery Center is available to assist in winning more federal grants and to benefit local tribal economies. To date, we have helped to win $32.9 million in new grants.

An initiative of Local First Arizona, The Arizona Economic Recovery Center aims to enable more qualified Arizona cities, towns, counties, tribal communities, and nonprofits to win competitive federal, state, and foundation grants. The center serves communities statewide by:

  • Researching and simplifying grants and stimulus opportunities
  • Identifying funding sources for large and small projects
  • Connecting funding sources to communities in need of funding
  • Providing the capacity for grant writing, facilitation, and project management to ensure success rates for qualifying communities and nonprofits.

This service is a completely free resource serving Arizona communities statewide. Click here for the flyer. You can find additional information at their website: https://localfirstaz.com/economic-recovery-center

AMERIND News and Information


Careers at AMERIND
AMERIND is searching for exceptional individuals interested in the success of our mission and the well-being of their client base. To find a list of current open positions, please click here.

Free online COVID-19 Safety Training!
Please call an AMERIND Safety Team member at 505-404-5000 to schedule.

AMERIND Safety Brochure

Safety Resources

Firewise Poster
How to Prepare Your Home for Wildfire

Covid-19 Checklist
Checklist for Reopening the workplace

Welcome to the Southwest Tribal Housing Alliance (SWTHA) website. SWTHA is a non-profit organization established in May 2009 representing Indian Housing Authorities and Tribal Housing Departments in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas, also known as Region VIII. SWTHA’s purpose is to assist its members in addressing the housing needs of low-income Indian families in the Tri-State area. We encourage your organization to join us for a unified approach in combating housing needs of our Region.

To be the voice for Tribal housing by providing relevant, timely information, resources and a valuable network for the SWTHA membership.

Region VIII Tribal Housing Advocate.

Visit our Partners

AMERIND is recognized as SWTHA’s Top Annual Sponsor!