SWTHA Monthly Zoom Meetings
2nd Tuesday of Each Month
1:00pm – 2:00pm MDT
SWTHA will continue to provide the most current information through guest speakers at the monthly meetings, all members are welcome to join. If you would like to speak at one of the monthly meetings, or you have any questions, please email swtha.region8@gmail.com.
Previous Guest Speakers:
Guest Speaker: Iris Friday, a Native American Program Specialist in the HQ’s Office of Performance and Planning at HUD’s Office of Native American Programs. During this session she will provide a quick overview of Build America Buy America (BABA), an update on HUD actions, and share details on how you can submit comments.
View the Build America Buy America (BABA) ppt presentation here.
September 13, 2022

August 9, 2022
Serena Denetsosie and Lisa Urias of Arizona Community Foundation will discuss Indigenous Initiatives. As a statewide philanthropic leader, the Community Foundation develops solutions and promotes innovation across a broad array of issue areas including education, health, community development, the environment, arts and culture, and more. Click here for a copy of the presentation.
July 12, 2022
Gina Chamberlain, RCAC’s Single Family Program Manager will share information on this new program and their new initiative Increasing Equality in Access to Homeownership through 502 Direct Loans. RCAC continues to expand their commitment to Indigenous Communities and this initiative is designed to support local homeownership efforts with training, technical assistance, and scholarships for the USDA 502 Direct Loan Application Packaging process. RCAC is also hoping to learn more about the challenges in creating affordable homeownership on tribal lands and resources that would assist in your local homeownership efforts. Click here for RCAC Presentation.
June 14, 2022: Guest Speakers – Cheryl Dixon Zuni and Jodi Moses, Southwest Office of Native American Programs (SWONAP)
SWONAP provided SWTHA Members with HUD updates, funding, and training information.
Click here for the PPT Presentation.
April 12, 2022: Guest Speaker – Kevin Klingbell, Managing Director of Big Water Consulting
Kevin discussed the Continuum of Care Program (CoC), recent legislative changes that make Tribes eligible to participate in it, and the ways in which homelessness manifests itself in Indian Country and the challenges that particular reality presents for programs like CoC. For the PPT Presentation, please click here.
March 8, 2022: Guest Speaker – Adam Rose, Travois Director of Partnerships and Growth
Adam discussed how New Markets Tax Credits can help cover 20-30% of your community’s health facility, clinic, treatment center, infrastructure, school, or admin facility. He provided some ideas about positioning your project to be able to access this resource (that doesn’t have to be repaid) when allocations are made by the Treasury Department later this year.
January 11, 2022: Guest Speaker – Juel Burnette, Branch Manager, 1st Tribal Lending
Juel discussed what 1st Tribal does and has done to date with mortgage lending in Indian Country.
Tony Walters, NAIHC Executive Director, discussed preparing a packet to share with Congressional Delegates during visits to Capitol Hill.
December 14, 2021: Guest Speaker – Denise Zuni, Owner of Sh’eh Wheef Law Office
Denise joined the meeting to discuss the following bills:
- House companion bill to S.2092 – A request to NM Congressional Representatives to introduce a companion bill to S.2092, the Native American Rural Homeownership Improvement Act of 2021.The bill would make permanent the USDA 502 Home Loan Relending Pilot Program. The Pilot Program would allow Native CDFIs to deploy USDA 502 loans.
- H.R. 5195, the NAHASDA Reauthorization bill – Reauthorization of NAHASDA and some of its provisions.
Click here for the Proposed Legislation PowerPoint presentation.
Letter of Request for S.2092, click here.
Overview of the Native American Rural Homeownership Act 2021, click here.
September 14, 2021: Guest Speaker – Saasha Renville of Medicine Wheel Information Systems (MWIS)
Saasha introduced their software technology for ERAP (Emergency Rental Assistance) and HAF (Homeowners Assistance Fund) online web portals. MWIS specializes in the unique design and development of a “tribal” focused technology platform to connect all enterprises.
August 10, 2021: Guest Speaker – Eileen R. Piekarz, Rural Development Specialist from Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Eileen spoke about their Tribal Housing Excellence Academy. View more about the academy, click here.
RCAC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides training, technical and financial resources and advocacy so rural communities can achieve their goals and visions.
July 13, 2021: Emergency Rental Assistance Program
David Heisterkamp II, Attorney at Wagenlander & Heisterkamp, LLC., discussed the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA).
Documents regarding ERA:
- ERA Reporting Guidance
- ERA FAQ 6/24/2021
- Treasury Fact Sheet 6/24/2021
- HAF Guidance
- ERA_2 Q&A
- Federal Funding Chart
- Treasury Comes to Indian Housing